Sunday, October 14, 2007


This impacted me and I thought I'd share it with you...

From a Message Board from Tyler Perry

"Yesterday a reporter asked me a question. He said, "With all that is happening to you now--when you were growing up in New Orleans did you everimagine that you would be in this position?" I told him, "Yes, I did imagine!"He was shocked. He said, "You don't think that's a little arrogant?" I told him this--and I want to share it with you because the way he lookedat me I know that he won't print it.
I said, "I had to imagine myself in a better place. Sometimes the nights got so cold and the days so hard and long that if I wouldn't have then Iwouldn't have made it." The Bible says that you should speak things that are not as though they were, and that you must cast down imaginations and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. It also says that the power of life and death is in the tongue. So, you can speak life or you can speak death. I chose to speak life into my situation. I chose to use my imagination to take me higher. Not just in this life but higher in Christ.
I want to ask you some questions today. And this is mainly for the peoplethat are going through right now. When you think about your tomorrow, are good things waiting for you? When you imagine your future are you happy and blessed? Is your family happy? Are you in a better place than you are now? If you don't see good things in your future then nothing good will come your way. You must think good about you so that it can come to you. So, start seeing yourself in a better place. I promise you that it works. It worked for me and it can work for you. And just a side note, when you start to dream and see yourself in a betterplace, don't share it with everybody. Long ago I stopped telling people my dreams because I would always run into dream stealers--people who are so miserable and so mad at the world that all they can do is bring you bitter words of hopelessness. Stay away from these people! They are poison. I had a few people in my life like that. I had to get rid of them--and some of them were family members. It's time to come out of it. And it starts in your mind. If God can bring me out of poverty and despair and place me right in the middle of the life that I've always dreamed of then He can do it for anyone…if you believe."

THANK YOU for your words of encouragement concerning 'dreaming.' These past few years have been a bit 'trying' for my family and I with our relocating to FL from NY. (It is toootally diff here- nice, but diff.)
Anyway, I move here with certain hopes and 'dreams' but as time's progressed, and 'attacks' from the enemy arised, although I've held on to God for dear life (because my life DOES depend on it) I noticed that there was still a sadness in me... a sadness that I didnt understand (and wasn't sure how it got there in the 1st place) until this email I read a minute ago from you.
I wasnt sure why I was sad, but you've clerified it for me. And I thank God for using you. I haven't been able to dream as I used to. Unconsiously, I was listening to the lies of the enemy - but I rebuke him in Jesus Powerful name- and I stand firm in the word of God that if He is for me than who can be against me?? I take back my dreams... and I will dream even 'bigger!' ha ha I proclaim it in Jesus name!
Tyler, (if you dont mind me calling you by your 1st name) thank you for always lifted the name of Jesus. And thank you for being an example of HOPE to sooo many of us.You are a tremendous vessel of God. May God continue blessing you and using you for His kingdome!

Your sis in Christ,