Monday, October 1, 2007

Remembering God

An elderly husband and wife are having problems remembering things, so they decide to go to their doctor to get checked out to make sure nothing is wrong with them. When they arrive at the doctor’s, they explain to him that they are having problems with their memory.

After examining the couple, the doctor tells them that they are physically fine but that they might want to start writing things down and make notes to help them recall things. The couple thanks the doctor and then leaves.

Later that night while watching TV, the old man gets up from his chair and his wife asks, “Where are you going?”
He replies, “To the kitchen.”
She asks, “Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?”
He replies, “Sure.”
She then asks him, “Don’t you think you should write it down so that you can remember that.”
He says, “No, I can remember that.”
She then says, “Well, I also would like some strawberries on top. You had better write that down because I know you’ll forget that.”
He says, “I can remember that, you want a bowl of ice cream with strawberries.”
She replies, “Well, I also would like whipped cream on top. I know you will forget that, so you better write it down.”
With irritation in his voice, he says, “
I don’t need to write that down
—I can remember that
.” He then fumes into the kitchen.

After about 20 minutes, he returns from the kitchen and hands her a plate of bacon and eggs. She stares at the plate for a moment and says, “You forgot my toast.”


Words to Live by

Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God.
Deuteronomy 8:11

Do you forget about God sometimes? If so, them admit it and move on. Don’t dwell on it—just get on your knees and start praying to your Savior. Make it a point to spend time with Him every day and never forget how good He’s been to you.


Who says blogs have to be lengthy and must rhyme? Blogs are just things you wanna jot down… maybe even be creative with. It’s whatever! Whatever comes to mind. Whatever mood you’re in… doesn’t matter. Just Blog!
Blog Blog Blog.

It’s a part of you that you don’t really share with everyone (verbally at least)… although you don’t mind to. Actually, it’s for those who are interested in knowing you… reeeally knowing you; knowing what goes on in that wonderful mind of yours.

In my opinion, it’s one of the best ways of getting to know someone well. I mean, who else can get into those deep thoughts but God? Only that person… and you! If you read their BLOG!! he he

So anyway… souvenir us with your aspirations and inspirations.
Just Blog.